What is hypnosis?

There are many descriptions of Hypnosis and hypnotherapy and there are many ways to practice Hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis can be described as a deep relaxation, a deep awareness of yourself, a focused state or trance like state. Whilst in hypnosis communication between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind is enhanced.

When we are in hypnosis we enter a REM (rapid eye movement) our brain waves are changing from Beta, everyday thinking wave to Alpha waves of the subconscious mind.

We all experience hypnosis several times each day, it is a natural state. Highway hypnosis a name given to when you are driving your car, aware of driving to your destination but unable to remember any details of the journey, traffic lights the roads, this is a form of hypnosis. When watching television or reading a book, people can talk to you but you do not hear, because your mind, your attention drawn to what is being played out or read. This again is hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural and safe state of mind. In two hundred years no one has every been hurt through hypnosis.

What is hypnotherapy

A Hypnotherapist guides you into hypnosis, a deep relaxation which induces Alpha brain wave and enabling the subconscious mind and the conscious mind to communicate. This means you can focus on the events that caused the root of your issues, a time where you made self-limiting beliefs. In this state you have more clarity and misunderstandings about yourself are shown. Working together with the therapist you change the meaning, the belief about yourself, this is very liberating. Changing our beliefs first, we will move on to change our actions in life. Creating a wonderful life for ourselves.

What is Rapid Transformation Therapy?

Hypnotherapy and more. It is an infusion of best hypnotherapy techniques and methodologies influenced from CBT, psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming and many, more.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is developed by the world renown Marisa Peer, more about Marisa as you scroll down. I absolutely recommend you get to know Marisa work more, I have linked some incredible videos below.

Back to RTT,

I assist you into hypnosis a deep relaxation, once you are relaxed you are guided back in time to an event in your life that created a false belief or even beliefs about yourself and constraints on your capabilities.